In the article, spatial mechanisms of small business development, factors, opinions of foreign scientists, existing problems are listed based on statistical analysis, and as effective solutions to these problems, recommendations on the development and implementation of issues of regional location of business entities are presented. The research methods were statistical, comparative analysis, induction and deduction methods. The changes that have occurred in the economy in recent years require the development of a new, more complex stage of economic transformation, in which the center of gravity shifts to solving the problem caused by the technical-economic paradigm and systemic long-term changes. Term challenges that reflect global trends and domestic development barriers. In such conditions, small business plays an important role, which affects the socio-economic level of the country's economy in many ways. The article contains proposals and recommendations on the features of regional development of small business. When analyzing the processes of formation of territorial models of innovative development of small business, it is reasonable to conclude that their most important parameters form a multi-level system, are complexly interrelated and subordinate to each other. It is of particular importance to develop an approach that allows for a systematic interpretation of the processes of formation of unique regional trajectories of innovative development of business entities that ensure the successful creation and implementation of competitive advantages, and the use of typology as its basis.