Chief editor

The Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology has been published since 2015.

Chief Editor Mamatkarimоv Оdiljоn Оxundadaevich

Deputy Chief Editor Ergashev Oybek Karimovich.

Executive Editor Qodirov Olimjon Raximjon o’g’li.

The official name of a periodical: The official name of the periodical: " Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology," the journal was registered with the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan. №1113. 30.09.2020.

International indices: ISSN 2181-8622.

The founders of the journal: Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology.

The purpose of the journal is to acquaint everyone with the results of the most scientific research activities conducted by professors, teachers, and researchers in the fields of technology, chemistry, and economics operating in all higher education institutions.

Publisher: “NamIET Poligraphy” LLC, Namangan.

Registration of scientific articles is carried out on the site: in the section Registration. The journal is published quarterly.

The online version of the journal is available at

Editorial phone: +998 (90) 641-19-96

Postal address for correspondence: 160115, Namangan, Kasansay 7.



