661.635.68 Kimyo va kimyoviy texnologiyalar: Determination of the Inhibitory Efficiency of the Inhibitor Synthesized Based on Maleic Anhydride by the Electrochemical Method

661.635.68 Kimyo va kimyoviy texnologiyalar

Determination of the Inhibitory Efficiency of the Inhibitor Synthesized Based on Maleic Anhydride by the Electrochemical Method


  • Muzafar Yusupov Namangan muhandislik-texnologiya instituti
  • Ilkhom
  • xayit
  • baxtiyor




maleic anhydride, corrosion inhibitor, electrochemical method, monoethanolamine.


Abstract. In this article, study was conducted to determine the inhibition efficiency of the corrosion inhibitor synthesized on the basis of maleic anhydride, monoethanolamine, and phosphoric acid by electrochemical method. Studying the inhibition efficiency of this corrosion inhibitor was measured by the gravimetric method according to GOST 9.506-87 in 1M HCl + 200 mg/l NaCl and 0.5 HCl + 200 mg/l NaCl environments. The inhibition efficiency was 93.15% and 92.86%, respectively.




How to Cite

Yusupov, M., Choriev, I., Turaev, K., & Normurodov, B. (2024). 661.635.68 Kimyo va kimyoviy texnologiyalar: Determination of the Inhibitory Efficiency of the Inhibitor Synthesized Based on Maleic Anhydride by the Electrochemical Method. Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 126–130. https://doi.org/10.61151/stjniet.v9i1.320

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