pre-test, post-test, interview, speaking skills, task-cycle, form-focus, accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension.Abstract
This article focuses on improving students' speaking skills in practical English classes. According to the results of interviews conducted in order to obtain preliminary data on students' speaking skills, it was found that students face problems in speaking due to their insufficient knowledge of the language, which in turn makes students feel insecure about speaking. . Students were not familiar with different speaking activities that facilitate speaking. They read text to convey ideas and lack strategies when speaking. To help students, task-based learning is adapted through action research in courses. 15 students in these courses participate in this study. Data is collected from pre-test to post-test to interview. Findings show that using task-based learning helps students improve their speaking skills on four dimensions: accuracy, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Students succeed in completing tasks by engaging in a variety of activities at three stages of learning: pre-task, task-cycle, and form-focus. They manage to improve their speaking skills and gain self-confidence. Students can assess their knowledge in pair and group work