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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


  1. Title of the article, information about the author of the article (city, place of work, position, number on the ORCID platform, if available) in English.
  2. Abstract (150-250 words) in English.
  3. Key words (10-15 words) in English.
  4. Introduction
  5. Materials and methods (Methods)
  6. Results
  7. Discussion
  8. Conclusions/Recommendations
  9. The list of the used literature (References), where it is recommended to use scientific sources published for the last 5 years.


  1. Articles
    Section default policy

Privacy Statement


  1. Introduction

1.1. The publication of materials in peer-reviewed journals serves as a way to promote scientific ideas within and outside the scientific community and makes a significant contribution to the development of the relevant field of scientific knowledge. In this regard, it is necessary to formulate and establish standards of ethical behavior for all those participating in the publications of the Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology parties, namely: Authors, Editors, Reviewers, Publisher (NamIET Poligraphy LLC)

1.2. The publisher supports scientific communications, finances the process of editorial preparation and publication of the publication, controls the editorial and publishing process, and is also responsible for compliance with modern requirements and recommendations.

1.3. The publisher is obliged to control the reliability of scientific information and the integrity of scientific research in terms of the ethical aspects set forth in this document.

  1. Duties of the Editor-in-Chief.

2.1. Publication decision. Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) of the scientific journal “Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology” is responsible for making the decision to publish, in some cases sharing it with the editorial board. The decision to publish should be based on the credibility of the work in question and its scientific significance. The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) should be guided by the principles of work of the editorial board of the Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, focusing on current legislation regarding liability for defamation and plagiarism, copyright compliance. The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) has the right to consult with the Reviewers (or the Publisher's officials) when making a decision on publication.

2.2. Decency. The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) must evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, or political preferences of the Authors.

2.3. Confidentiality. Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) and Editorial Board of the Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology shall not, without good reason, disclose information about the accepted manuscript, communicate any information to unauthorized persons, with the exception of Authors, Reviewers, scientific advisers and the Publisher.

2.4. Non-Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest.

2.4.1. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used by editors in personal research without the written consent of the Authors. Information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

2.4.2. The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief) must recuse himself, not review the manuscript and not cooperate with other members of the editorial board, who will review the work in case of a conflict of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with Authors, companies and other organizations related to materials manuscripts.

2.5. Supervision of the reliability of publications. The editor-in-chief (deputy editor-in-chief), who has received convincing evidence that the statements or conclusions presented in the publication are erroneous, must report this fact to the Publisher in order to promptly make changes, withdraw the publication, publish a statement, express concern or other actions appropriate to the situation .

2.6. Cooperation in the event of ethical claims The Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), together with the Publisher, takes adequate response measures in the event of ethical claims regarding reviewed manuscripts or published materials. Such measures include interaction with the Authors of the manuscript and the argumentation of the corresponding complaint or requirement, but may also involve interaction with relevant organizations and research centers.

  1. Responsibilities of Reviewers.

3.1. Influence on the decisions of the Editorial Board Reviewing helps the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) make a decision on publication and, through appropriate interaction with the Authors, improve the quality of the work. Peer review - a necessary link in scientific communications - is at the heart of the scientific approach.

3.2. Performance. Any selected Reviewer who concludes that they are not qualified to review a manuscript or do not have enough time to quickly complete the work should notify the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) of the journal “Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology” and ask to be excluded from the review process of the corresponding manuscript.

3.3. Confidentiality. Any manuscript received for peer review must be treated as a confidential document. The submitted article may not be shown or discussed with any person who does not have authorization from the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief).

3.4. Peer review requirements and objectivity. The reviewer is obliged to give an objective assessment. Personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable. Reviewers should justify their opinion.

3.5. Recognition of primary sources Reviewers should identify significant published works that are relevant to the topic and are not included in the bibliography of the manuscript. For any statement (observation, conclusion or argument) published earlier, the manuscript must have a corresponding bibliographic reference. The Reviewer should also draw the attention of the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) to the discovery of significant similarities or coincidences between the manuscript under consideration and any other published work that is within the scope of the Reviewer's scientific competence.

3.6. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy

3.6.1 Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used by reviewers in personal research without the written consent of the Author. Information or ideas obtained during the review and related to possible competitive advantages must be kept confidential and may not be used for personal gain.

3.6.2. Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in case of conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint or any other interactions and relationships with one of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.

  1. Responsibilities of Authors

4.1. Manuscript Requirements

4.1.1 The authors of the original study must provide credible results of the work done and an objective discussion of the significance of the study. The data underlying the work must be presented without errors and distortions. The work should contain sufficient details and bibliographic references. False or knowingly erroneous statements are perceived as unethical behavior and are unacceptable. 4.1.2. Reviews and scientific articles must be accurate and objective. Editorial articles must clearly reflect the point of view of the Editorial Board (Editorial Board) or the Editor-in-Chief (Deputy Editor-in-Chief).

4.2. Data access and storage

Authors may be asked for additional information, raw data related to the manuscript, to ensure the objectivity of the review. Authors should be prepared to provide open access to this kind of information (according to the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases ), if practicable, and in any case must retain this data for an appropriate period of time after publication.

4.3. Originality and plagiarism

4.3.1. Authors certify that the presented work is completely original and, in case of using works or statements of other Authors, must provide appropriate bibliographic references or excerpts.

4.3.2. Plagiarism is unethical and is unacceptable. Plagiarism can exist in many forms, from presenting someone else's work as the author's, to copying or paraphrasing significant parts of someone else's work (without attribution) to claiming one's own rights to the results of someone else's research.

4.4. Plurality, redundancy and simultaneity of publications.

4.4.1. The author should not publish, as an original publication, a manuscript mostly devoted to the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is perceived as unethical behavior and is unacceptable.

4.4.2. The author should not submit a previously published article for consideration to another journal.

4.4.3. Publishing a certain type of article (eg, how-to articles, translated articles) in more than one journal is ethical in some cases, subject to certain conditions.

4.5. Recognition of primary sources

The contribution of others must always be acknowledged. Authors should cite publications that are relevant to the performance of the submitted work. Data obtained privately, for example, during conversation, correspondence or discussions with third parties, should not be used or presented without the written permission of the original source. Information obtained from confidential sources (evaluation of manuscripts, grants, etc.) should not be used without the written permission of the Authors of the work related to confidential sources.

4.6. Publication authorship

4.6.1. The authors of the publication can only be persons who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the concept of the work, the development, execution or interpretation of the presented research. All those who have made significant contributions should be designated as Contributors. Where research participants have made significant contributions in a particular area of research project, they should be listed as having made significant contributions to the research.

4.6.2. The author is responsible for ensuring that all participants who have made significant contributions to the study are listed as Co-Authors, and those who did not participate in the study are not listed as Co-Authors, that all Co-Authors have seen and approved the final version of the work and agreed to submit it to publications.

4.7. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy

4.7.1. All Authors are required to disclose in their manuscripts financial or other existing conflicts of interest that may be perceived as affecting the results or conclusions presented in the work.

4.7.2. Examples of potential conflicts of interest that must be disclosed include employment, consulting, stock ownership, royalties, expert opinions, patent applications or patent registrations, grants, and other financial support. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed as early as possible.

4.8. Significant errors in published works

If the Author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, the Author must inform the editors of the journal Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology  and cooperate with it in order to withdraw the publication or correct errors as soon as possible. If the editors receive information from a third party that the publication contains significant errors, the Author is obliged to withdraw the work or correct the errors as soon as possible.

  1. Responsibilities of the Publisher

5.1. The Publisher must follow policies and procedures that promote ethical responsibilities for Editors, Reviewers and Authors in accordance with these guidelines. The publisher must be sure that the decisions made are not influenced by any interests.

5.2. The publisher must provide financial and legal support to the editors of the journal Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology in considering claims to the ethical aspects of published materials and facilitate interaction with other journals and / or Publishers.

5.3. The publisher should promote good research practices and implement appropriate standards, guidelines and other organizational and methodological documents in order to improve ethical recommendations, procedures for the elimination and correction of errors.

5.4. The publisher must provide appropriate specialized legal support (opinion or advice) if necessary.

