667.024.8 Design of a resource-efficient chain drive structure for the device drive that distributes the seed in the bunker to the linters
Chain, driver sprocket, driven sprocket, roller, bushing, elastic element, number of teeth, gear ratio, step, coefficient, driveAbstract
In the article, a new chain drive structure with elastic elements is designed for the seed distribution device drive. At the same time, the parameters of the proposed chain drive are defined.

How to Cite
Xikmatillayev, I., & Mamaxonov, A. (2023). 667.024.8 Design of a resource-efficient chain drive structure for the device drive that distributes the seed in the bunker to the linters. Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 237–243. Retrieved from http://niet.uz/index.php/nj/article/view/78