Determination of the inhibitory efficiency of the inhibitor synthesized based on maleic anhydride by the electrochemical method

Determination of the inhibitory efficiency of the inhibitor synthesized based on maleic anhydride by the electrochemical method


  • Khayot Bakhronov Namangan institute of engineering and technology
  • Oybek Namangan institute of engineering and technology
  • Naziraxon Namangan institute of engineering and technology
  • Asfandiyorov Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
  • Аkhmadov Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
  • Absalyamova Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi



adsorption, isotherm, free energy, pressure, temperature, relative pressure, toluene, cation


In this manuscript, the isotherm of the adsorption of toluene molecules in the Cs+ cationic form of the MFI-type synthetic zeolite 5-modification at a temperature of 303 K and the adsorption mechanism obtained in the experiment in the relative pressure coordinate are presented. The adsorption isotherm was measured using a universal high-vacuum device. Differential values of Gibbs free energy were calculated from thermodynamic equilibrium values. Based on the values of free energy, the adsorption isotherm was recharacterized by the three-state equation of micropore saturation theory. It was demonstrated that the values obtained in the experiment and the theoretically estimated values agree, and that the amount of cations in the zeolite is correlated with the coefficient of adsorption in the first term of the theory of volumetric filling of micropores equation. At a relative pressure value of P/Ps=0.06, it was determined that the saturation coefficient of MFI zeolite in the form of Cs+ cation is equal to q=66 %




How to Cite

Bakhronov, K., Ergashev, O., Esonkulova, N., Asfandiyorov, M., Аkhmadov M., & Absalyamova, I. (2024). Determination of the inhibitory efficiency of the inhibitor synthesized based on maleic anhydride by the electrochemical method. Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 9(2), 95–101.