raw cotton, textile industry, cotton industry, updating technology, cotton fiber consumption, ginneries, raw cotton quality, development program, material and technical base, number of neps (entangled fibers), cotton impurities, seed damageAbstract
Objective: to identify problems and give recommendations on the processes of cleaning cotton at the cotton gins of the region, taking into account the increase in demand and the need for the use of cotton fiber in the republic and the world in the near future.
Methods: analysis of the state of the cotton industry and cotton processing factories in Uzbekistan today, as well as the level of demand and consumption of cotton fiber at the world level. Determine the factors that negatively affect the quality of cotton fiber by studying the activities of cotton processing factories in the regions of the republic. Analysis of the achievements and shortcomings of ongoing research in this direction.
Results: in the process of studying the activities of cotton ginning factories in the region (Kosonsoy, Norinsky, Torakorgon, Namangan regions), it was scientifically proven that the УХК cleaning line was used to clean cotton from small impurities, as a result of which the quality of the fiber and seeds was violated due to mechanical impact on pieces of cotton.
Conclusion: the development of the correct technological process and the creation of new devices and equipment for obtaining high-quality products from raw cotton at ginneries is of particular importance.